Document Type : Original research



A field experiment was carried out during 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 growing seasons at Sakha Agric. Res. Station, Kafer El-Sheikh, Egypt, to evaluate six bread wheat cultivars, i.e. Sids12, Giza 171, Gemmeiza11, Misr3, Shandaweel1 and Sakha 95 differed in their seed size and 1000-kernel weight under eight seeding rates (100,150, 200, 250,300,350, 400 and 450 grain m-2) using a split plot design in a randomized complete block arrangement with three replications. The wheat cultivars distributed in the main plots and seeding rates in sub-plots. The results indicated that wheat cultivar Sids12 recorded the lowest values for days to heading, anthesis, maturity, plant height and straw yield. On the other hand, Giza 171 and Shandaweel1 were the latest for earliness characters comparing with the other wheat cultivars. The cultivar Sakha 95 was the highest in grain filling rate, plant height, number of spikes per m-2, straw yield and grain yield. The two cultivars, Gemmeiza11 and Giza 171 recorded the highest values for 1000 kernel weight and spike length. Seeding rates significantly influenced all the studied characters. Lower seeding rates increased most earliness characters, 1000-kernel weight and number of kernels spike-1. Increasing seeding rate increased plant height, number of spikes m-2, straw yield and grain yield. Grain yield was significantly affected by the interaction between cultivars and seeding rates in both growing seasons. The quadratic model was the best among the response models tested for describing response of grain yield of the six wheat cultivars to seeding rates in both seasons. The optimum seeding rate was ranged from 46.62 to 83.10 kg fed-1 and from 46.90 to 77.27 kg fed-1 and optimum grain yield was ranged from 20.53 to 26.31 ard fed-1 and from 21.07 to 27.00 ard fed-1 with profit ranged from (11680.62 to 15333.53 LE fed-1) and (1 2049.34.20 15777.31 LE fed-1) in the first and second season, respectively. The optimum seeding rates across the two seasons for the six wheat cultivars Sids12, Giza 171, Gemmeiza11, Misr3, Shandaweel1 and Sakha 95 were 73.22, 71.27, 80.19, 59.19, 46.76 and 56.66 kg fed.-1, respectively. This study, indicated that 1000-kernel weight must be taken in consideration, when determining the recommended seeding rates of the wheat cultivars. Therefore, cultivars with large and heavy kernel weight needs a higher seeding rate than those of small size.
