Document Type : Original research



This study was carried out at Sakha Agricultural Research Station (ARC) during the three successive seasons 2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18 to determine the genetic factors controlling inheritance of yield and its components for the three bread wheat crosses Sakha95 x Misr1, Sakha 95 x Gemmiza 12 and Gemmiza 12 x Misr1. Analysis of variance showed significant differences among the generation means for all studied traits. Results revealed that the epistatic gene effects cannot be ignored when establishing a breeding program to improve wheat populations for the studied traits. The inheritance of all studied traits was controlled by additive and non-additive genetic effects, with greater values of dominance gene effects than the additive in most cases. Heterosis relative to the better performing parent was significant for the number of tillers/plant and number of grains/spike in the third cross, plant height in the first cross and weight of grains/spike in the first and second crosses. The average degree of dominance revealed the existence of over-dominance towards the better parent for all traits except plant height in the second cross, grain yield per plant in the first and second crosses as well as number of grains/spike in the second and third crosses. Narrow sense heritability estimates displayed moderate values in most cases. The highest broad and narrow sense heritability values were associated with the highest values of genetic advance, especially for number of grains/spike in the second and third crosses, indicating sufficient improvement of yield by selection. The outcome of this study is providing insights to wheat breeders to improve yield potential, release new wheat cultivars with high performance and enhance Egyptian wheat germplasm.
